When in Rome..., - yes?
There seems to be a robust smell that lingers about the mainlanders, that would be us.
To truly penetrate the Island life on Newfoundland, one must get 'Screeched In';
Dress Like a Newfy
Talk Like a Newfy
Eat Like a Newfy
Drink Like a Newfy
This is a ceremony conducted by a spiritual leader of sorts - in this case Keith who is a third generation Screecher. His fathers father was a Screecher and his father is a Screecher and his son is now a Screecher, and so the tradition continues.
We were pretty keen to experience the cultural passage of men and foreigners into Newfy culture - Dressing like a Newfy is no problem, we all got through that, then it was talking like a Newfy, well not too bad - What does a man going to the fishing hole say as he passes the man coming back frrom the fishing hole?
Q - are there any fish down there - 'ye-ar-an-ee' (said quickly, like "yes are there any")
A - 'n'earn' - meaning no there are not, or 'ye-are' like yes there are
I reckon they speak this way cause their faces are frozen from the cold Atlantic wind - anyway, we got through the language test and it was onto the eating part.
Capelin - is a small anchovy like fish that feeds Cod, Whales, Seals and is shipped in large quantities to Japan. We were to take these little 6 inch suckers and bite down..., yup eyeballs, fins scales and all, guts in!
Mike and Curtis got down to business and two fish dissapeared pronto. Jordan and I were about to gag and barely managed to crunch through the heads of these Capelin. Thankfully the Screech (a Brand of Rum, bottled in Newfoundland) came out quicly and we washed the foul taste out.
Screeched In, we are now official papered Newfies - Culture, you bet eat your hearts out, or in this case, kiss a cod or eat a Capelin.
Going deep for the truth
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