Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ride Don't Slide -RDS

Well the C-workx is over and all that's left is industry or those with some extra time off. Before heading back to Vancouver Paulo from Costa Rica and I decided to hit the bike park one more time, maybe we could squeeze just a wee bit more fun out of an amazing week.

Upon arrival at the plaza (base of the lifts) I bump into Richie Schley, Brian Lopes, a whole gang of Marzocchi peeps (Bryson, Lil B, JP, Ronnie) and Team Giant. They have organized a trip to the Peak and then were planning on hitting one of the trails into Creekside (the other side of the mountain), Ride Dont Slide. As mentioned yesterday my jump skills need work but my trail skills are fine, wanting to show Paulo as much of the good stuff, we jumped on the group and viola - another 'Sic' ride. In fact that pretty much stoked my DH fire, woooaaa what a trail, what a group and what a ride.

From the Alpine to the big timbers and onto the river at the bottom of the Whistler Valley approx 4200 vertical feet of singletrack. Lets just consider this; you can have all the trail in the World but if you don't have a good crew to session it, it just won't 'shine'. Todays ride was glowing with exploding loam and steep rooty gnarl all at top, top speed.

Thanks for the ride boyz, that's one for the books.


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